our list

Things to Learn and Do

In today’s modern, fast-paced world, the sense that free time is a luxury has never felt more universal. Time is the new currency, and how we choose to spend it can dramatically influence our well-being.

Take inventory of how you spend your time, especially your free time, and with what. It’s one of our most precious resources, yet many of us are not spending it effectively, in ways that truly make us feel happy or fulfilled. Focus your awareness on the elements that add meaning to your life to help you decide what kind of experiences to invest your time and energy into. It’s never too late to explore a new hobby or recommit to an old one. Whether it’s learning something new, sharpening a new skill, or devoting your attention to an interest that you’ve always wanted to pursue, being deliberate with the way you invest your time can help you appreciate it more.

Channel your energy into one of the activities on this list of things to learn and do, thoughtfully compiled to help you optimize your down time and add value to your life in the long-term. After all, time – especially free time – is a terrible thing to waste.

"Time is the new currency, and how we choose to spend it can dramatically influence our well-being."