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Intentional Essentials

The journey of transformation is long and not always forward. Change is the only constant. Yet how we choose to respond and adapt to change ultimately defines our circumstance. In moments of dissonance we can allow the uncertainty to consume us or we can choose to view it as an opportunity to deepen our personal awareness and strengthen our own resiliency.

It is important to assign meaning to these defining events, and decide who we want to be as we move through them. One of the most powerful practices to maintain focus and direction as we navigate life, is the simple act of setting an intention.

While goals often represent the destination, the end toward which effort is directed, intentions are more like beacons. They give us direction and help guide decisions along the journey. With the right tools, a little practice using them, and some introspection, the right intentions can help connect us to a greater purpose. Some of our favourite tools and practices include journalling in a Smythson Notebook, morning meditation with the BEL by 3rd Ritual and even something as simple as a momentary pause and reflection whilst steeping tea in our favourite Ferm Living Still Teapot.

What intentional essential helps you to navigate the everyday?

"How we choose to respond and adapt to change ultimately defines our circumstance."